Cosmic History Chronicles ☆ Vol 3 ♢ Reconnect Human Soul Imaginal Realm 3.1.5 – Book of the Mystery Cosmic History Chronicles Playlist (Volume 6 & Volume 7) △ …
Category: Michael Cremo
Check This Out: The Origin of Races
Ever wonder why there are so many different “colors” of skin if we all came from Adam and Eve? Are there really different “races” or are we all of one race – the human race? This fun, educational…
Wisdom from Our Spiritual Ancestors – Mathew Fox Today’s science assures us that perception is a less passive activity than we have sometimes been taught: In fact, much of what we perceive we create….
Rice astronomer gets new view of star formation
A new Rice University-led survey of one of the most active star-forming regions in the galactic neighborhood is helping astronomers better understand the processes that may have contributed…
Reptile Evolution : Documentary on Evolution from Reptiles to Humans
Reptile Evolution : Documentary on Evolution from Reptiles to Humans. …