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Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/stefan-molyneux/fdr-3892-political-stockholm-syndrome-rev-cl-bryant-and-stefan-molyneux
While the Democratic Party treats the black community as a monolith of voters that they can mistreat and ignore, facts and evidence continue to highlight the lip-service of liberal politicians. Rev. C.L. Bryant joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the trajectory of the black community, trading freedom to comfort, the dangers of fatherlessness and a unique perspective on political Stockholm syndrome.
Rev. C.L. Bryant is the host of the C.L. Bryant Show, founding member of the American Voice PAC, Senior Fellow at FreedomWorks and the host of the powerful documentary “Runaway Slave: From Tyranny to Liberty.”
Website: http://www.theclbryantshow.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/RevCLBryant
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