A Bountiful, Utah, elementary school teacher was placed on administrative leave after telling a student to remove the ash cross from his forehead on Ash Wednesday. Where’s she been? I believe this young man 100%.
“When the teacher saw it, she’s like, ‘It’s inappropriate in our school,'” said William McLeod, a fourth-grader at Valley View Elementary School.
The ash placed on the forehead represents the passage, “For dust you are and to dust you shall return,” from the book of Genesis in the Bible.
For William’s grandmother, Karen Fisher, Ash Wednesday is “the start of a very holy season for us. … We grow deeper into prayer to try to come closer to God.”
When she learned what had happened to William at school, “I was almost speechless because I didn’t know what to say,” she said. https://www.deseretnews.com/article/900059339/utah-teacher-placed-on-leave-after-making-boy-remove-ash-cross-on-ash-wednesday.html
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