Chris Matthews gets his ass handed to him by Ari Fleischer

gentlemen are not even in the same league. Chris would be better served if he just stuck to interviewing the gutless rebublicans. … hardball chris matthews ari fleischer msnbc bush barack obama patriots conservative conservatism values morals ethics principles unite or die america united states freedom liberty happiness constitution rights reagan politics Millhome God religion minutemen nation defense bill of justice for all accountability president candidate white house oval office …

8 thoughts on “Chris Matthews gets his ass handed to him by Ari Fleischer”

  1. I am BIG CHRIS MATTHEWS Fan! I felt the same way! Ari won the arguement. Some you win, and some you lose. I don’t agree with what Ari said, but Chris Matthews tried to trip him up and it didn’t work. He argued his point, regardless how stupid and misguided.

  2. i love your fantasy land. Ari Fleischer is talkin *****, he comes across like he is talkin *****, and he is a dickhead.

  3. Ari is the man, because he just beat Matthews **** to a pulp…Matthews couldn’t wait to geth him off.

    My dad called me over to the TV to see this…This was great

  4. What’s wrong with conservatives that they pretend no one ever criticized liberals.

    Where else but conservative politics does meme “We haven’t been hit since 9/11” have weight? Somehow, 9/11 was never an indications of any failure on their part? Of course if we get attacked on Obama’s watch, we’re going to look at whether or no Obama screwed up.

    Love how they keep saying they came in on a recession. Historically, they actually, y’know, didn’t. They extended a mild recession into a long one.

  5. What interview were you watching? All I saw was Fleischer vomiting up one lie after another. How can anyone take him seriously? Does he think we just forgot about the “yellowcake from Niger” lies and the “mushroom cloud” lies they spent a full year spinning? Talk about verbal diarrhea.

  6. bama took a week to kill 3 niggars on a row boat.hows he going to handle another 9/11

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