CONFIRMED: London Terrorist Has Been Linked DIRECTLY To This United States Senator

CONFIRMED: London Terrorist Has Been Linked DIRECTLY To This United States Senator

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I think it’s safe to say that John McCain is not looking out for the American people’s best interests. He has repeatedly attacked President Trump’s policies and has proven he is more in line with the Democratic Party than Republicans. However, I never imagined he could be directly linked to terrorist Rachid Redouane.

Recent reports have come forward explaining how John McCain’s Free Syrian Army, which is a militia McCain funded and supplied arms to, trained Rachid Redouane who ultimately was responsible for the London Bridge attack that took place a couple of weeks ago.

World Net Daily reports that one of the Muslims involved in the London bridge attack used to work with the Free Syrian Army. In case you didn’t hear about it, the Free Syrian Army is a militia that has been built up by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ). McCain is responsible for arming and supporting these people and therefore gave the terrorist Rachid Redouane a chance to act.

We have listened to McCain go around claiming the FSA is a great force that is going to battle al-Assad’s regime and bring freedom to the Syrians. The problem here is this. That is CLEARLY not the case.

If there is one extremist in the group, the odds are there are plenty more where he came from. McCain has been arming a militia with terrorist tendencies but TRUMP is the traitor? They cannot be serious.

McCain loves throwing around quotes saying that the war in Syria is NOT full of dangerous Islamists and extremists. When you cause terror in one of the biggest cities in the world, you are an extremist. Period.

You have to wonder how many other attacks are associated with the Free Syrian Army. It only makes sense that there were more people involved, and in particular on that day.

When you have multiple terror attacks across one city, and ONE person is tied to a group, guess where the rest usually came from? It is disgusting that McCain has been doing this for YEARS, almost preparing these people to come after the US.

It is going to be interesting to see the mainstream media’s take on this event. The odds are they won’t even mention it. In fact, we bet the Liberal stations don’t even pick it up.

On the conservative networks, the story WILL get covered, and guests will be brought on to speak about McCain’s involvement. But once the liberals get asked a straightforward question, they are going to start talking about how we need to leave McCain alone because…well…TRUMP AND RUSSIA.

It’s about the only thing liberals know how to do, they resemble the boy who cried wolf and eventually people are going to catch on. There is only so far you can take the Trump and Russia story before they reach a complete dead end. You can rest assured that they will never stop as long as Trump is in office.

It’s high time we have an investigation on John McCain and all the shady dealings he has had over the years. Enough is enough and Trump has proven time and time again that there is no dirt on him. Democrats can try, but they will be doing so in vain for at least the next 4 years. The American people deserve the truth and it can start with that old traitor John McCain. Heck, you might as well toss Obama and Hillary’s names in as well because we all know how evil they are. What do you think? Will an investigation on McCain ever happen or will he dodge bullets his whole life?