Congress Shooter Caught In DISGUSTING Act Right Before Baseball Game That Explains Who He REALLY Is

Congress Shooter Caught In DISGUSTING Act Right Before Baseball Game That Explains Who He REALLY Is

When we have a nation in where 1 in every 4 people suffer from a mental disorder politicians and celebrities need to think twice before spewing hatred towards the people they don’t agree with.

The Congress Baseball Gunman, John Hodgkinson, who was a very little man measuring only 5’6″ and had a lengthy police record, was a sick loner who we are now getting reports would spend his time at area restaurants creeping out the female staff. There are thousands like him on the left who would have no issue whatsoever taking up arms like this scumbag did. Doubt me? Just look on social media where countless liberals celebrating the assassination attempt on Congressman Scalise.
Senator Bernie Sanders was quick to denounce this scumbag. But let’s take the time to contrast what happened yesterday as compared to the aftermath of the 2011 Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shooting by a crazed gunman who’s mental health had been quickly going downhill in the months prior to the shooting. Scumbag liberals like Bernie Sanders blamed former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin because she had posted a map showing multiple congressional districts in crosshairs. Although it was later known that the shooter’a motives actually had nothing whatsoever to do with the map.

Let us not forget the left thrives on hypocrisy.
Of course, when that shooting happened Bernie Sanders was quick to point out, in a fundraising email in which he raised a considerable amount of funds, that Congresswoman Giffords had expressed concerns when Palin had placed a map showing her district in the cross-hairs of a rifle on her web page. He went on to say that right-wing reactionaries, through the threat of violence had intimidated people with differing points of view from expressing their political positions. Now that’s a stretch if I ever heard one.
CNN Reports:

Sanders to faithful: Take down Trump, take over Democratic Party

Chicago (CNN) Bernie Sanders’ permanent “political revolution” rolled into Chicago on Saturday night, as the Vermont senator called on progressive activists gathered here to beat back President Donald Trump’s agenda while remaking the Democratic Party.

Speaking to a crowd of buzzing supporters in former President Barack Obama’s adopted hometown, Sanders ripped Trump’s “incredible hypocrisy” and called the President a demagogue who makes “even a very conservative president like George W. Bush” appealing in comparison.
“I am often asked by the media and others, ‘How did it come about that Donald Trump, the most unpopular presidential candidate in the modern history of our country, won the election?’” he offered teasingly as chants of “Bernie would have won” filled the hall.
“My answer is that Trump didn’t win the election, the Democratic Party lost the election,” Sanders said, reviving his own past criticisms.
It’s a line he’s used before, but this was a night for the old hits, and Sanders moved through his laundry list of issues over the course of nearly 55 minutes alone on stage before being joined by wife Jane Sanders and RoseAnn DeMoro, the executive director of National Nurses United, the event’s union organizers, for a 15-minute question-and-answer session.
Sanders was interrupted repeatedly throughout his remarks by applause and standing ovations, but also by supporters in red waving “Draft Bernie” banners and placards. The group wants Sanders to leave the Democratic mix and form his own “People’s Party” ahead of the 2020 elections.
But it was his unsparing assessment of the party whose nomination he sought in 2016 that set off an audience of nearly 4,000 mostly dedicated “Berniecrats.”