Congress Votes 210-206 To Defy Democrats, Puts $15B Back In Taxpayer Hands
Bloated government spending is one of the biggest challenges America faces. And once again, it’s President Trump coming up with ingenious solutions to make our nation great again.
Democrats, and even some Republicans, love spending our money. They claim it’s to help us. But most of the time it does the opposite.
It’s incredible to watch how our government wastes money. There is very little accountability when it comes to government spending. After all, they can write their own checks—out of our pocketbooks. Rarely does our money go to where it counts: like our military or national security.
But it looks like there are a few congressmen who are trying to do the right thing. Donald asked them nicely, and now they recently passed a narrow vote to put billions back into your wallet.
From Fox News:
The House narrowly approved a White House plan to cut $15 billion in previously allocated government money late Thursday, a mostly symbolic move designed to demonstrate fiscal discipline in Washington.
The so-called “recissions” package was passed by a vote of 210-206, with 19 Republicans joining 187 Democrats in opposing the measure.
The legislation was embraced by conservative Republicans upset by the March passage of a $1.3 trillion catchall spending bill that they say was too bloated. More pragmatic Republicans on Capitol Hill’s powerful Appropriations panels aren’t keen on the measure since it would eliminate accounting tricks they routinely use to pay for spending elsewhere.
“By voting to rescind these billions in unspent funds, the House supports President Trump’s efforts to eliminate wasteful spending and get our fiscal house back in order,” White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said in a statement. “The first of several recissions proposals, President Trump is using every tool at his disposal to put taxpayers first and drain the swamp.”
With strong opposition from the White House, there’d be no end to government spending. That’s why things were so bad under Obama. He slammed on the gas when it came to government waste. It’s no wonder he doubled our deficit in just eight years.
Trump is an entirely different kind of leader. A good one. He’s not interested in abusing the American taxpayer. He wants to put more of our money back into our pockets. Our president understands—unlike most politicians—that our country thrives when there are fewer taxes and less government waste.
For far too long, Congress has gotten away with a policy of spend, spend, spend. They burn through our tax dollars like a drunk kid on prom night. It never occurs to them to slow down and reduce their waste. Why should they? It’s not like it’s their money.
This recission package will take $15 billion from the government’s greedy hands. Hopefully, it’s a sign that more cuts and reductions will happen in the coming months and years. Perhaps we can get to a place where government bloat and waste is a thing of the past.
We can always hope they start spending our money on protecting Americans and building the wall.