Controlling Dissent

Rothschild government trade center 911 september eleventh alex jones david icke 2001 conspiracy new order illuminati nwo nau rfid mark beast cia fbi nsa mason freemason occult satan satanism black magic war iraq bin laden lucas jesus devil worship secret society bohemian grove karl rove iran ron paul oil bush george islam opec rense red ice creations economy israel … 2012 Aleister Crowley eye all seeing pyramid 666 horus mi5 mi6 nazi hitler world portal Rothschild government trade center …

4 thoughts on “Controlling Dissent”

  1. Yeap “Jews” are the problem? I dont think so, that’s like saying Blacks are the problem or Indians are the problem or how about whites let wipe-em off the face of the map!? And cursing further discredits you stance. There are also other ethnics involved in the tripe and you only rail the Jews God Bless the Jew I say.

  2. So much of what you’re saying is true about NWO.
    However, the hole in the argument is your point on how the u.s. gov’t is divide and conquer, when you’re doing exactly that yourself with this attention on blaming jews for the ills of the world.
    That’s where you lost your credibility. What a shame.
    Any GROUP in the u.s. who isn’t broad thinking enough to include every civilian stuck here looking for answers, you let them down with that singular gas leak in your rationale.
    Good luck.

  3. I haven’t owned an IDIOT BOX for several years now. Every Patriot should kill the T.V it’s soma man, keeps one doped up and dull, no room for that in this world. Keep Fit. Remain outdoors. Be Active!

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