Conversations with History: Richard C. Lewontin

Conversations with History host Harry Kreisler talks with Richard C.Lewontin about scientific inquiry and the role of science in public policy. Series: “Conversations with History” [11/2004] [Public Affairs] [Humanities] [Show ID: 8994]

6 thoughts on “Conversations with History: Richard C. Lewontin”

  1. It`s always interesting to hear Lewontin. Many people are tired of oversimplification of most geneticist, physiologists and so. Life is more complex…and interesting.

  2. Lewontin is very much a hero and a criminally underrated and under-read thinker. I hope this interview spreads his ideas to a wider audience.

  3. Richard Lewontin is the single scariest figure in all of science. And I love him for it. We need his hard-edged pragmatism as an antidote to the nonsense of Dawkins and his confreres.

  4. He thinks he will lose “legitimacy” if he stops doing science. Abslolute RUBBISH. Look at all the idiotic crappy politicians, rock stars, movie stars, gurus, basically charismatics with no brains who are considered legitimate because of money, limelight, loud voice, or charisma.

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