Cop Hating Snowflake Tried To Fight Officer With A Chair – Gets Nasty Surprise To The Face

Cop-Hating Snowflake Tried To Fight Officer With A Chair – Gets Nasty Surprise To The Face

Don’t you just love it when a thug thinks he’s cool and gets taken out by the authorities?

That’s exactly what happened to an Antifa thug at the Portland Oregon protest in June. As you can clearly see in the video below this scumbag took it upon himself to try to be cool. So he picked up a chair, but as he tried to throw it at one of our peace officers, he was sprayed with pepper spray all over his nasty looking mug.

What a beautiful sight. It just doesn’t get any more fun than this. As the person who shared this on social media stated, “I can watch this over and over again!”
People on the far-left fringe always falsely claim that free speech ends where hate, or what they consider hate speech, begins. But in reality, the right to protest and speak freely is not limited by the content of the speech that is said. There is, although, a line between what speech is and is not. It’s a line that far leftists have a habit of crossing. Free speech ends where violence begins. A so called peaceful protest that turns violent is no longer a protest. It’s a violent act which can and should be shut down by the authorities. And those responsible for it should be prosecuted to the farthest extent of the law.
The non-profit civil liberties organization known as the ACLU has recently criticized the way police treated ANTIFA rioters in Portland on June 4th. But they never stopped to ask what actually happened that led the authorities to act in such a manner. Below are just a few of the weapons confiscated at the Portland Antifa rally on June 4th.
GruntWorksMedia Reports:

Antifa, or Anti Fascists, are making headlines around the country…particularly in Berkley, Portland, and other far left strongholds. They are initiating violent protests, counter protests and rioting on college campuses and in the streets of major U.S. cities. For many Americans they appear to be a new organization, one which has sprung to life to protest President Trump’s election. In reality Antifa is nearly 100 years old and has roots that go directly back to Joseph Stalin and post WWI Europe. What is new about the current Antifa movement is their target. They are no longer attacking fascists to springboard a communist revolution in Europe. Their current target is the political rift between Conservatives and Liberals in the U.S. Their goal is to create the conditions for a Communist takeover of the Democrat party and the eventual subversion of our constitutional republic. To this end they are attacking everyone who holds a conservative viewpoint–and for political cover, they are labeling conservatives as fascists while obfuscating their own communist ideology. Antifa and the communist party hope that Americans will focus on the message of anti fascism. They want us to forget that communists have slaughtered far more innocent lives than the Nazis did, and that while fascism has become a worldwide pariah, communism has continued to be a major player in politics around the world. Communism remains a clear and present danger to liberal democracies everywhere.

Antifa History 2Fascism first reared its ugly head in Europe during the post WWI era, when communism had already made great inroads in Eastern Europe. Spurred by the industrialized violence of the Great War, many Europeans sought a strong central government which they believed could protect them in the event of another war. In the confusion and turmoil following the collapse of Germany and the subsequent great depression, the far right looked to fascism, and the far left to communism. Both of these political groups saw liberal democracies as weak and obsolete systems, and favored a strong central government run by a committee (communism) or by a dictator (fascism), either of which would be backed by party loyalists.

From 1918 to the mid 1920s several groups of German communists, backed by Stalinists in Russia, made a series of violent attempts to overthrow the newly formed Weimar Republic government of Germany. These attacks were unsuccessful in large part due to lack of central leadership from the communists. After some initial infighting, the major communist group to emerge was the Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands or KPD. The KPD’s main political target going forward would be the fascists, and the paramilitary arm of this anti fascist movement would be