Could Dark Matter be Evidence for God’s Existence? DOCUMENTARY

This documentary shows the drive to find the ultimate answers may well be over, for today we have a new science, a new technology to explain and expound upon the biggest of truths. The answer may not be what we expect. It may not be the god we have been led to believe in, but it may very well answer some of the most profound questions man has ever asked.

God has a far deeper and more personal meaning beyond the increasing complications of world religions and the rapid “progress” that mankind claims to be experiencing. To be enlightened had a more meaningful significance to our ancient ancestors. This documentary serves as a guide for those who are searching to connect with something greater than all of us, the indefinable presence of God. From quantum theory, to lost secrets of the ages, unlock for yourself the true key to the laws of attraction and self-empowerment and discover what the Gnostics, Freemasons, Shamans and other wisdom keepers have known for millennia.