Crazy Dr Phil Terrified About Who Kanye Has Empowered And Wants Everyone To Know – ‘Must Stop This!

Crazy Dr. Phil Terrified About Who Kanye Has Empowered And Wants Everyone To Know – ‘Must Stop This!’

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Dr. Phil came out of nowhere and voiced his opinion on the whole Kanye West situation and one can tell that Phil sure isn’t happy about what’s going on. West has recently spent time on Twitter posting things that were considered “conservative” in nature. He also spoke about slavery being a choice for 400 years, not physical slavery, but mental slavery in the sense that people feel (or use) various excuses for not succeeding in life. When Kanye West Tweets, he gets thousands of interactions with people who support him. He also gets tons of replies and horrible comments from his own fans as they swarm his account with terrible comments, then hovering around his hive-like account just waiting until it’s their turn to sting again.

Dr. Phil found himself on the angry end of the Kanye West social media bout with those who wish to not choose freely. Dr. Phil said that Kanye West is “empowering hate groups” and “white supremacists” but that only means that Dr. Phil has failed to see the message in West’s Tweets and he’s not analyzing it deeper. Dr. Phil said a few other things, but it’s becoming more clear after reading his commentary below and hearing him in the video that maybe Dr. Phil should have slowed down to soak in the sunny rays of free thinking that Kanye West spoke of. His messages were placed in the atmosphere for people to digest as they wish. Phil carried on, suggesting that maybe West just wants attention to sell shoes or an album, which could entirely be true. However, does that necessitate the amount of hate he’s received?

Here’s the video posted on TMZ’s YouTube page.
Breitbart also provided more information on Dr. Phil’s outburst that claims Kanye West is causing problems: “It does show a lack of impulse control, it shows what I would refer to as dysregulated thought. He doesn’t have a filter here. The things that he’s saying are irresponsible and ignorant,” Dr. Phil said in an interview with TMZ.

“Either this is attention-getting behavior because he’s got an album coming out or he wants to sell shoes, he’s wanting attention. Or he really has a problem pumping the break here mentally and emotionally,” Dr. Phil continued. “Either way it’s not okay because for whatever reason he does have a big pulpit, he does have a big platform. And so a lot of people are listening. A lot of people are being influenced.”

“And I’ll guarantee you he has empowered white supremacist, he has empowered hate groups with the things he saying here,” Dr. Phil said

Dr. Phil was responding to comments West made during a TMZ interview on Tuesday. “When you hear about slavery for 400 years. For 400 years?! That sounds like a choice. Like, you were there for 400 years and it’s all of you all? Like, we’re mentally in prison.”

West faced fierce backlash for his comments and later explained that he was trying to communicate the idea that people are too focused today on living in the past and are willfully keeping themselves in mental prisons of the past.

Dr. Phil, however, says West’s words “have got to be on the shortlist of the most stupid things” he’s ever heard.”
We call this man Phil a Dr. but he speaks like someone who was bitter about the wild levels of success that Kanye West has in sharing his thoughts and creating more free-thinking men and women in society. This isn’t about color, this is about people going on their own path and not being enslaved by the political party that traps them.

People have a wonderful choice of political options and they don’t have to feel entrapped in one party or another. Dr. Phil’s words could be very harmful in the sense that he’s misreading the posts made by Kanye West and suggesting that he’s empowering hateful groups. In reality, it does not appear that the words of Kanye West are empowering anyone’s hate or racist intentions. West has only spoken his thoughts on things like free thought, questioning things, having more options than just being a Democrat, and reminding people they can choose a different path if they feel as though it better suits them.

The intricate and oddly out of nowhere posts from Kanye West have even sparked other prominent males in the entertainment industry to speak out about their political perspective. If anything, it seems like more people are being freed from the plantation of political slavery.
Do you think Dr. Phil is incorrect when he talks like this about racism and white supremacy? Is Dr. Phil just trying to get in the spotlight by saying things that will get attention?

Do you believe that people have a choice to decide their own path in politics?

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