Crooked Hillary Tried to Take a Swing at Conservatives, Gets Schooled on Hypocrisy

Crooked Hillary Tried to Take a Swing at Conservatives, Gets Schooled on Hypocrisy

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Hillary Clinton tried to speak for the “most vulnerable among us.” However, people were quick to point out her own glaring hypocrisy on the subject. I’m sure she slithered back to her cave to lick those burns.

Why is Hillary Clinton still in the public eye? She endured one of the most brutal defeats in recent history. After campaigning for the presidency for most of her life, she was soundly beaten by Donald Trump. Americans made their intentions very clear: we do not want her.

But the woman with the biggest ego in the world still wants to shove her weird, sickly face at us. She continues to appear at liberal events, alive (baffling medical science). She has spent the last two years giving one excuse after another about her defeat.

It’s gotten so bad, many within her own party want her to shut up.
When she’s not appearing at limp-wristed, leftists “talks,” Crooked Hillary is on Twitter. Like most of the dark creatures that infest politics, she spews empty-headed nonsense. Her rabid fans (fading as they are) gobble it up like the mindless sheep they are.

But Hillary quickly learned that not everyone online is the lockstep minions she hoped they would be. Especially after she laid one particularly stinky egg.

Because Hillary Clinton is about as familiar with the concept of self-awareness as she was with Wisconsin in 2016, she allows herself to tweet things like this:
Oh Hillary, do you really want to go there? As tweeters let her know, Clinton’s criticism directed at Trump landed squarely on herself & other Dems, including her husband. [Source: Twitchy]

It’s really amazing that the first female candidate for president could not clinch the female vote. Ever wonder why? It’s because many, many women in America know her for the snake she is. She has the audacity to make comments like this. Hillary thinks she can connect with the many kindhearted, compassionate women in America. They’re not buying it. They can see through her charade very easily.

Especially considering she lacks any sense of compassion or kindness herself. Needless to say, the bloodletting was intense.
Hillary Clinton, like most Democrats, are all talk, no action. They say all the right things to win votes. But they never make good on those promises, when in office. Their real intentions are to exploit our country for their own, personal gain. By any means necessary.

How can a woman claim to care about “the most vulnerable” in our society, when she fervently supports Planned Parenthood? Unborn children are literally the most vulnerable people in our society. They can’t do anything for themselves. They certainly can’t protect themselves. It is up to us to ensure they are safe. Instead, Hillary and the rest of the Democrats passionately support a group that murders the unborn.

How sickening is that?

Twitter users were also quick to point out other times Hillary and her allies treated vulnerable people like trash. While Bill Clinton was president, he sent officers to capture a young, illegal immigrant. Hillary didn’t seem to mind when scary men with rifles stormed a house, just to arrest a child. Where was your compassion then, Hillary?

Then, of course, there were those pictures of illegals in animal-like cages — during Barack Obama’s time as president. Hillary could have called him out for such terrible treatment of “vulnerable” aliens. I guess she was too busy preparing for her presidential campaign.

It’s hilarious when you think about it. Crooked Hillary still pretends she is the right person to lead America. Despite how much people hate her, she continues to spew her empty, liberal nonsense.

The truth is, she represents a party who would exploit the most vulnerable for profit. A party that destroys businesses, keeps minorities poor, and jeopardizes our Constitutional rights. It is a party that does not care about Americans, vulnerable or otherwise.
The really scary part? There are people who actually still believe her lies.