Crop Circles the First Indisputable Extraterrestrial Signs from Space ?

A step-by-step, clear and compelling adventure in decoding the message from space and explains why this may well be the first indisputable evidence that extraterrestrial intelligence is trying to communicate with the earth’s inhabitants.

Jay Goldner is a graphic designer, author, and researcher into paranormal phenomena. His interest in crop circles began in the late 80s. Translating and editing a book about sacred geometry led him to in-depth studies on the famous Chilbolton ‘face and message’ crop formations. He has created many digital crop circle paintings inspired by his research and was heavily involved with the running of Erich von Daniken’s ‘Mystery Park’ museum in Switzerland. In this presentation, Jay presents his findings and experiences.

Recorded at Truth, Mysteries and New Frontiers [Glastonbury Symposium]