7 thoughts on “Dark Secrets inside Bohemian Grove ( Alex Jones )”

  1. i believe weird ***** goes on there.. watch the video where alex jones interviews david gergen about the B Grove… why would Gergen act so shady?

  2. Also check out “Sons Of Darkness, Sons Of Light,” here on You Tube, which deals with the psychological and political pitfalls of Collectivism and the New World Order.

  3. Says Alex Jones: “Republican and Democrat-They’re all working on the same team-New World Order-dehumanization”..

    I’m curious how Mr Jones reaches this conclusion from the previous footage. He doesn’t produce any evidence whatsoever to back up this assertion.

  4. what a BS video… not only does it look and sound like a play but:

    at 8:40 you can hear the crowd clapping

    the black edge is a box around the camera so you cant see everyone

    at 8:53 you see a dudes head wearing a baseball cap lol and if alex wasnt alone I doubt guy would be sitting infront of him

    or the other 50 people you can see at 9:16 LOL!!

    Alex has some good stuff but what a joke this is..

    “Don’t believe anything you hear, research everything yourself”
    -William Cooper

  5. Time to wake-up (or, “Waco” up), sheeple.

    Google “flojo Alex Jones” for latest info on the REAL NWO.

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