David Icke The “new age/ Paganism and Satan worship is the final form of religion 1

Signs of the time Paganism and Satan worship is the final form of religion before the second coming of Christ. Halfway through the tribulation the world rejects Judaism and Christianity. All remaining believers are told to come out of Babylon (Rev 18:4). At that point in time persecution by pagans begins in earnest against the believers of Jehovah/Jesus all over the world. The “new age/new spirituality” movement is a loose collection of many things that have pagan roots. This modern pagan …

8 thoughts on “David Icke The “new age/ Paganism and Satan worship is the final form of religion 1”

  1. David Icke is completely useless at this, he never back’s up anything he say’s with source’s or consistency, and the audience are just as crazy as him! Seriously, conversation’s in most psychiatric hospital’s arn’t ever this off the wall.

  2. He’s in contact with those spirits who want us to reject the fact that Jesus died for our sins. Those Spirits know that our coming to Christ provides us with everything that we need to overcome them. Those evil spirits want all the power and control but they have no power over Jesus and over His Spirit in His followers.
    The evil spirits use people like David Icke to promote the rule of Satan through deception.
    Jesus is Lord and always will be and that’s why the rulers of the world want Him dead.

  3. in fact they gave him 95% of what its really happening and mixing it with 5% lies… they don`t care for us to knowmost of the truth .. cuz the only thing that we can know to stop their controll over us is Jesus. so they just have to tell dave everything rigth and lie bout Jesus.

    David seems like a genuine guy .. he is just being deceived. we have to pray for him

  4. Look , Jesus Said “The Kingdom Of heaven is within you.” He did not say ,the kingdom of heaven is within the church , He did not say the Kingdom of heaven is within the bible ,Or the Kingdom is only accessible through me. All icke is doing is synthesising what gurus and spritual masters and mystics have been saying for a very long time , And now I believe quantum physicist like J Hagelin are sayin.

  5. Icke is not just decieved – he is a deciever, just like his father the Devil.

  6. i think ive seen this guy (now older) in the history channel not so long ago, he was being interviewed and was talking about presidents worshiping the devil or like secret societies.

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