Death The Destroyer Of The World

The Whole World Is Marching & Dumah is Loose! Chairman King on CNN “Erin Burnett Outfront” on recent leaks of classified information: Chairman King on Fox News “America’s News HQ” on damaging leaks of classified information: Chairman King on Fox News “Special Report” Regarding White House Leaks Comment Concerning the Obama Leaks: “Obama can say that he stands against the leaks, but when a dozen or more officials talk about classified information to the New York Times for an article on Obama’s management of a kill list, it’s pretty obvious that leaks are a political strategy. Either the New York Times lied repeatedly through that lengthy article in citing all its sources or Obama is lying now. There really isn’t any other way to slice it.” – buzzardist (Madison, United States) Syria: It’s time for Assad to go, says US Secretary of State: “Hillary Clinton tells Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to stand aside and leave the country…..” Syria – Crazy Tank Attack By The FSA: UN Watch Brings Syrian Victim to Take on Assad Regime: Large crowd in Damascus calls for Calipahte | Call for Khilafah in Syria | May 2012: Russia’s International Conf. on Syria: Obama accelerates preparations for limited air strike, no-fly zones in Syria: Hillary Clinton: ‘there are attack helicopters on the way to Syria from Russia: US Alleges