Deep Throat 2! It Was NOT Once! Comey Was a Serial Leaker!
President Trump’s legal team is prepared to show a long trail of leaks to the New York Times by former FBI Director James Comey, dating back to at least March.
In a pair of complaints set to be filed to the Justice Department Inspector General and Senate Judiciary Committee, Comey will be shown to have been a serial leaker, a source close to the team told Fox News.
Deep Throat is the pseudonym given to the secret informant who provided information to Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of The Washington Post, in 1972, about the involvement of U.S. President Richard Nixon’s administration in what came to be known as the Watergate scandal.
In 2005, 31 years after Nixon’s resignation and 11 years after Nixon’s death, a family attorney stated that former Federal Bureau of Investigation Associate Director Mark Felt was Deep Throat. Felt was suffering from dementia at the time and had previously denied being Deep Throat, but Woodward and Bernstein confirmed the attorney’s claim.
Comey is the 21st Century Deep Throat! Comey will go down in history as the guy, “lurking in the shadows”, leaking secret information.
Dating back to January, The New York Times has published confidential information related to Trump and the FBI, mostly sourced anonymously from senior officials in the FBI and DOJ.
In the past auestions surrounded those leaks. Now, it looks like we have found the main perpetrator!
Fox News reports:
An independent Fox News review of The New York Times’ reporting dating back to January reveals a host of stories sourced from top FBI and DOJ officials – or those privy to their conversations – that either paint Comey in a positive light or push a message he was unable to personally disclose.
Though Comey told the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 3 he’d never been — or directed another FBI official to be — an anonymous source for news reports about the Trump and Hillary Clinton investigations, the then-FBI chief did not deny orchestrating leaks using, for instance, an old friend who works at Columbia University, or providing the information to a wide enough group to ensure it would leak.
And in reference to a separate case, he acknowledged sending his infamous letter to lawmakers last fall announcing a revival of the Clinton email probe knowing full well what they’d do: “Did I know they were really going to leak it? Of course, I know how Congress works.”
Comey, who was fired by Trump in May, was open about at least one leak in testimony last Thursday.
He admitted to using an ex-U.S. attorney, later identified as Columbia University Prof. Daniel Richman, to leak to The Times the contents of alleged memos Comey wrote about his one-on-one interactions with Trump. He was not asked if he had ever used Richman on other occasions; however, Richman is mentioned in 151 results in a New York Times search dating back to 1993, with 11 of those articles also featuring Comey and six of them being authored by Michael S. Schmidt – who later wrote the “Comey memos” story which Comey told Congress he directed Richman to leak.
Comey testified that in June, he woke up in the middle of the night and decided he needed to get his side of the story out. That day, the story about Comey’s alleged memos of the Trump meetings is reported in a New York Times story. This is the only leak Comey has acknowledged some role in. But he was not asked details about any others.
The original Deep Throat, FBI Deputy Director Mark Felt, had delusions of moving up the ladder to become FBI Director. Did Comey have ambitions to become President?
We may never know, as he is now damaged goods. But Comey is definitely not the “clean character” that he wanted us all to believe. Comey is nothing but a second rate hoodlum.