Delta Force Told They Have To Do Transgender Sensitivity Training – Respond With Something Better
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Sensitivity training; that sounds so nice, the idea that we should all be nice to one another. Making sure that people who are fragile or in some way less able to cope with the world have the emotional space to be what they want to be. Where that thought process breaks down is when what a person “is” changes from day to day, and when what is expected of them can’t.
This is the case in the United States military, where following orders has to take precedent over what you feel at that moment. While you may be of the opinion that a person’s gender is a fluid thing and it could fall somewhere along a sliding scale (which seems to be the popular school of thought these days) I think you can still agree that making allowances for that should end somewhere before we put the country in danger over it.
The military being a part of the U.S. government doesn’t mean that it should be a safe haven for someone who wants to exact social change by causing upheaval in the lives of our military personnel. If your personal journey includes surgeries and requires massive amounts of makeup and talking about feelings, it’s possible that the special forces aren’t for you.
Via Independent Journal Review:
“All soldiers in the U.S. Army are now required to take a 50-minute training course on transgender sensitivity.
Independent Journal Review wanted to know what veterans who have trained thousands of soldiers to fight in combat think about the news.
We spoke with U.S. Army Master Sergeant (Ret.) and Delta Force Operator Dale Comstock.
Comstock has seen more war than the average American can wrap their head around. In fact, he’s served in every major campaign from Grenada in 1983 to present-day conflicts.