Democrats On The Brink Of A Coup To Overthrow Trump – Here’s SICK Plan They Just Announced

Democrats On The Brink Of A Coup To Overthrow Trump – Here’s SICK Plan They Just Announced

The Democrats have been incensed ever since Donald Trump was elected as president. Instead of these people pulling up their big kid pants and acting like adults they continue to throw epic temper tantrums. However, it has now gone beyond just throwing temper tantrums and waded into dangerous territories. That was proven nearly two weeks ago when a deranged Bernie Sanders supporter shot House Majority Whip Steve Scalise in the hip. Instead of Democrats calling for calm and unity in the country, they have continued their dangerous rhetoric of hate and resistance. Now, top Democrat officials are upping their ante against President Trump by planning a coup to overthrow him.

President Trump has not wasted any time in his agenda to make America great again, and we are seeing the results already. For instance, the Supreme Court has just approved the majority of Trump’s travel ban, 300,000 people in Georgia are no longer on welfare, the stock market has been on a steady incline since the election, and Trump pulled us out of the disastrous Paris Climate Deal. These are all fantastic wins for the Trump administration and the American people. However, the left does not see it that way and is doing their best to destroy what Trump is trying to accomplish.

The left in their lust for power and greed cannot allow Trump to succeed because if he does they will be exposed for the liars and cheats they really are. Which is why former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced his plans to stop Trump and it is disgusting.
According to Associated Press:

Eager to help local leaders bypass Washington, New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s foundation is putting up more than $17 million for a new contest that encourages the nation’s mayors to address critical issues themselves.

The new effort, to be announced publicly on Monday, comes as local leaders are increasingly concerned about the impact of the Trump administration’s policies.