Derek Maltz -10/16/2018 – Not in Vein

Not in Vein is an important documentary that every parent and community leader should see. In addition to exposing the toll the heroin and opioid epidemic has taken on America, Not in Vein also exposes the billion-dollar cartel-controlled distribution network in the United States — and specifically in Ohio. Mexican drug cartels and criminal gangs have a sophisticated distribution system that rivals Federal Express, UPS and Walmart — and Central Ohio is one of hundreds of operational hubs on U.S. soil.
Derek S. Maltz was the Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Special Operations Division (SOD) from May 2005 through July 2014 in Chantilly, VA. SAC Maltz previously held the position of the Associate SAC of the New York Drug Enforcement Task Force.
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