25 thoughts on “Dominique singing all I could do was cry by Etta James/Beyonce”

  1. Everyone needs to be respectful. She has a beautiful voice! KEep on singing girl! God Bless.

    Mz. Kesha!

  2. (cmevanscmevans) maybe she was improving……..duh? maybe she is gay dats why she put “she” instead of “he”….duh u people are idiots….lol sweetie nicely done

  3. You have a very pretty voice….One of the best covers I’ve seen on here b/c you aren’t trying too hard and have a GREAT tone to your voice!!

    GOOD JOB!!

  4. You sang very well but…your voice seems a little too soft for the song but great job..

  5. You’re a good singer, but there’s no.. soul in the song or how to say.

  6. I think you sang very well further more your voice sounds like it was made for gospel. You should try singing a gospel song. You would sound very well.

  7. You were the best!
    Annnd you pronounced “DEATH” properly.
    Everyone apparently thinks its “DEAF” LOL

    But awesome job man! It was excellent. Good composure.

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