Dr. Rebecca Carley, who teaches clients nationally and internationally how to reverse autoimmune diseases. prisonplanet.tv
18 thoughts on “Dr. Rebecca Carley on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 1/3:Swine Flu Threat Level Raised to Level 5?”
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Dr. Rebecca Carley, who teaches clients nationally and internationally how to reverse autoimmune diseases. prisonplanet.tv
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alex jones is a liar. this video proves it.
canada rules, all heil the queen.
Good luck with that…. move to the woods!
**** the queen you dumass slave
I love how she always says Center For Disease Creation.
Sometimes hitting F5 key or restarting your browser will solve the problem.
Great interview with Dr. Carley!
Watch also a video from Dr. len Horowith from 4 days ago, with 90 tho views:
Oh great. People not buying meat, people not flying, people not sending their kids to school. All are unintended consequences of this flu scare. The plan was simply for you to get scared, buy Tamiflu, and hide at home. Stay with the plan.
I wonder what “terrorist” group they will blame this on.
and “error” occurred… as if it were an accident
Have you not got better things to comment on than a mans weight???
Can you watch a serious video without your pea brain getting side tracked??
Go watch CSI or something!
this really works!
1. cover ur mouth with ur hand
2. make a wish into it
3. close ur hand into a fist
4. hold ur fist 2 ur heart 4 5 seconds
5. send to 3 more vids
6. 2mrw will be the best day of ur life
Aparentely Infowars is riddled with virus’s too
An error occured, please try again later.
Now would be a good time to close the border.
I am compiling a playlist of the highest quality (accurate information) clips I found concerning the Great Conspiracy we are all talking about. Those who are interested can have a look at my page. It currently contains 119 videos with chronological information and historical data including the complete interview (I think it’s complete) with John Todd, an ex-illuminati. It’s best to start with video 1.
Remember that some of the clips contain sneaky misdirections concealed within the truth.
so do i lol
“The test of a prophet is what they say beforehand comes to pass.”