Dr. Simeon Hein on TruthBrigade Radio Part 2

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2 thoughts on “Dr. Simeon Hein on TruthBrigade Radio Part 2”

  1. Great interview!!… Interviewer is annoying and seems like she’s being a smart **** at times… I feel that we need people interviewing on these subjects that actually sounds credible… and educated in speaking techniques…

    Peace and Love to all (~?~)

  2. What makes an interviewer “credible?”
    How do you define “educated?”

    There are a couple solutions to your problem…

    1. don’t listen to our show

    2. start your own show and see if you can get him on your show 4 times.

    “Peace and Love to all (~?~)”

    May I assume peace and love to all, only if they are exactly like you? Or do you really mean ALL???

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