16 thoughts on “Drugs – Bill Hicks, Revelations”

  1. personally I prefer
    father christmas 6, easter bunny D591
    also can’t beat a bit of
    tooth fairy 7P

  2. change(.)org/ideas/116/view_action/legalize_marijuana
    sign this petition to legalize cannabis!

  3. I know man, they just use that as a scare tactic. Someone commits suicide because he got out of a abd relationship but they happen to find THC int heir system, and that is why you dont do drugs kids, it made him commit suicide. BULLSHIT! Pot doesnt demotivate at all. People get demotivated naturally under the weight of life.

  4. first joke in this video changed my life. anyone who tells you pot makes you unmotivated doesn’t know ***** about life.

  5. notice what happends in the video when he starts to talk about positive lsd story
    merely energy condensed even in your VHC
    awesome human being.

  6. I havent written this to give you some happy clappy picture of Christianity. Nor have I come to spout hell, fire and damnation. I dont want to patronise anyone by saying that following God makes all your problems go away. It doesnt. But it does make all the tough moments in life a lot easier to come through.Here are some of my favourite verses; I hope that you will take a moment to look them up – you may be surprised.
    Ecclesiastes 2, Isaiah 40V31,
    I Peter Ch5 v 7

  7. Has nothing to do with this clip but Bill was really good at sound effects. The sitar in this clip, sucking satan’s *****, etc etc.

  8. 5:20 and on is pure truth and pure wisdom. It is saint-like and Bill Hicks was years ahead of his time for saying it. It made my eyes tear up.

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