Dumbocrats Will Impeach Trump Over Stormy Payoff But Not A Peep About $17M Congressional Settlements

They can’t lay a finger on Trump. Despite the sanpaku eyes of Shifty Schiff and Congresschild Ocrazyo-Kotex, Mueller’s wish-list memos are nothing more than that and (as they pathetically hope) a list of coming attractions. Jerry Nadler, the NY Congressman whose working personality is somewhere between a soap dish and dart, revealed over the weekend that Stormy Daniels payments may in fact constitute impeachable offenses. Wait, what? Yep, if President Trump is found to have directed convicted perjurer, con and fraudster, Michael Cohen, to pay porn star, weathered trumpet and cheezy slattern Stormy Daniels and the forgotten Karen McDougal in a negotiated settlement for their “silence,” those would be “impeachable offenses,” according to the incoming chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Nadler. But get this.

Nadler’s attempt at nailing it. “Well, they would be impeachable offenses, whether they are important enough to justify an impeachment is a different question,” Nadler told CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday. “But certainly they’d be impeachable offenses because even though they were committed before the president became president, they were committed in the service of fraudulently obtaining the office, that would be an impeachable offense.” What planet is this man from? What star system? What parallel universe?


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