According to Cayce, Atlantis was destroyed by volcanic and earthquake-like ‘explosions’ on three distinct and widely-separated occasions. And each of these destructions lasted over a period of months or even years, not just days or a single day! The first of these disasters appear to have taken place about 50,700 BC, the second about 28,000 BC whilst the third and last one around 10,000 BC.
All the readings indicated that ample warnings were given and than many Atlanteans were, in fact, able to escape prior to each disaster. Some traveled to Europe and Africa whilst some found refuge in South America. Although many of the life-readings were expressed in terminology that was often quite difficult to understand at first sight, by studying the texts very carefully and piecing many of them together as one would a jig-saw, we are able to obtain a comprehensive ‘over-view’ of the History of Atlantis .
Thanks to Cliff Dunning
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