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J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D. are social scientists, futurists and founders of The Academy For Future Science. They have been researchers in the field of UFO study for over 40 years.
JJ, along with Dr. John Mack and Dr. Scott Jones, was a presenter at the first government disclosure on ET intelligence in Washington DC in 1995.
In 1977 he was a presenter at the First World Congress on OVNIs in Acapulco Mexico with J. Allen Hynek.
They are also well known for their films on conscious evolution, including Merkabah, The Light Body, Gateways to the Light, and Voice of a Zulu Shaman: Credo Mutwa… for which they have received numerous film awards.
Tonight we are going to discuss their new book: Giza’s Industrial Complex: Ancient Egypt’s Electrical Power and Gas Generating System.
Air date: March 20, 2019