Ep. 1293 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Kevin Estrella : UFO Week P3

Tonight, our guest is Kevin Estrella, guitarist for Pyramids of Mars! We are going to have a full evening of UFOs, contact, music and guitars. The perfect night on F2B.

Kevin has been welcomed deep into the UFO community after having his own first-hand encounter with something not of this world.

Estrella is the guitarist and composer of the instrumental rock band Pyramids on Mars and he has always had a passion for UFO’s and Extra-terrestrials. He spent over 20 years researching to understand why they are here. Kevin wanted to combine his passion of music with raising consciousness and awareness of the UFO and Extraterrestrial presence. He felt it was always his purpose in life.

This calling was affirmed on August 21, 2014, when he had contact with an inter-dimensional craft of unearthly origin. Since then Kevin began experiencing many other related incidents like incredible synchronicities, music downloads, symbol downloads through dreams (Neck Illusions DNA Double Helix design on his guitar), and increased Telepathy.

Kevin has been a featured guest on over 50 UFO radio talk shows and is the host of Pyramids on Mars UFO radio on the ArtistFirst Radio Network.

Air date: September 9, 2020

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