Ep. 1376 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Giorgio Tsoukalos, Dave Schrader : TV Week on F2B

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Tonight, we wrap TV Week on F2B with Giorgio Tsoukalos, host of Ancient Aliens on History Channel… and Dave Schrader, host of The Holzer Files on the Travel Channel.

First up tonight is Giorgio, who, for over 20 years, has been the Director of Erich von Daniken’s Center for Ancient Astronaut Research. Giorgio has starred in and appeared on The History Channel, the Travel Channel, the National Geographic Channel, the Sci-Fi Channel, Fade to Black, and many other international television and radio programs about the latest discoveries in the Ancient Astronaut field.

Dave Schrader joins us for the second half of the show tonight, and we are going to discuss the paranormal and the new season of The Holzer Files and his long running podcast, Darkness Radio.

Schrader has lived a life immersed in the paranormal, from ghostly visitations to growing up in a haunted house, Bigfoot sightings and UFO encounters… he seems to always find the right place at the right time.

Air date: February 10, 2021

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