Ep. 1603 Isaac Arthur

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Tonight, Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Isaac Arthur joins us for a full night of science, physics, our universe, and who or what may be visiting our planet, Earth.

Isaac is the host of Science & Futurism with Isaac Arthur on YouTube, with over 684,000 subscribers, covering topics like Colonizing the Solar System, Interstellar Travel, the Fermi Paradox, Artificial Intelligence, and other topics representing possible futures paths and challenges for humanity.

Isaac received his degree in physics from Kent State University, graduating top of his class at age 20, and remained there for graduate studies before joining the US Army and serving in Iraq. He also worked as a civilian researcher at the Air Force Institute of Technology in Dayton, Ohio.

Website: https://www.isaacarthur.net/

Air date: April 13, 2022

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