Ep. 2033 Joseph Selbie: The Yugas

Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK:
Joseph Selbie joins us for a discussion and deep-dive into The Yugas… he ancient Indian view of cyclic human development that is far
more able to explain the archeological record of the ancient past than is mainstream prehistory and archeology.

Joseph Selbie is the author of The Physics of Miraculous Healing, a book that challenges conventional paradigms by bridging the gap between the modern, evidence-based discoveries of science and the timeless, experiential insights of mystics. A true polymath, Joseph has written several influential works, including The Physics of God, which unifies science and religion; Break Through the Limits of the Brain, offering neuroscientific support for spiritual experience; and The Yugas, a factual exploration of India’s cyclical history.

Joseph is a sought-after speaker, presenting at conferences and appearing on various programs, such as The Chopra Well with Deepak Chopra, Coast to Coast with George Noory, Gaia’s Open Minds with Regina Meredith, and Buddha at the Gas Pump with Rick Archer. He was named Trailblazer of the Decade by Om Times Magazine and co-starred with Elizabeth Rohm in the 2014 docudrama Finding Happiness.

A devoted Kriya yoga meditator for over fifty years, Joseph has taught yoga, meditation, and universal experiential spirituality throughout the U.S. and Europe. In 1975, he joined Ananda, a spiritual movement inspired by the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi.


Air date: Aug 20, 2024

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