Ep. 801 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Darryl Anka : First Contact : Bashar V2 : LIVE

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Darryl Anka has been channeling the multidimensional being from the future known as Bashar for over 34 years.

This show/video replaces the original that was taken down due to a copyright strike that was placed from the photographer who took the photo that was used in our original broadcast. We are keeping our archives complete by re-uploading this complete, un-edited show. This image of Darryl Anka was taken by Fade to Black.

Along with Edgar Cayce, Seth, and Abraham-Hicks, the Bashar material has been heralded as some of the most relevant, compelling and dynamic information delivered to the planet to date.

In addition to channeling Bashar, Darryl expresses his creative talents in the forms of writing, directing and producing films through his own production company, Zia Films.

Tonight we are going to discuss Darryl’s recent documentary, which he wrote, produced and directed, entitled First Contact, which explores his life as a channel and the messages Bashar shares through him.

Air date: February 6, 2018