Ep. 982 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ John Burroughs : Rendlesham The Last Word : LIVE

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Tonight we try to put the fork in the Rendlesham UFO case… John Burroughs was there… we ask all of the questions that were sent in by our audience… Tonight it’s Rendlesham: The Last Word.

Burroughs entered the USAF in 1979 and served twenty-seven years both in active and reserve. He is currently USAFR (Retired from the Air Force Reserves).

John had various assignments throughout his Air Force career. Some of these assignments were at Luke AFB, Osan AFB, Grissom AFB, Castle AFB, with Reserve assignments at Davis-Monthan AFB Prime Beef , Williams AFB, Reese AFB and Luke AFB as a IMA. He has been on many deployments from Italy to the Middle East.

The most notable assignment began in 1979; he was assigned as a Security Police Law Enforcement Patrolman, at RAF Bentwaters England. A twin base with RAF Woodbridge, together they amassed the Largest Tactical Fighter Wing in the USAF. In the early mourning hours of December 26th 1980, while working a Law Enforcement Patrol at RAF Woodbridge, he had a life changing event, where he conducted an investigation on a phenomenon, which has left the rest of the world in awe of the most documented and witnessed sighting by the United States military in known history.

Air date: January 22, 2019