Everything Is Energy

can see. What is the dark matter that makes up the rest of the universe? How can we find out? Though we understand many important properties of the fundamental building blocks of our universe, there are untold mysteries still to solve. Advances in technology allow physicists to build more powerful and sophisticated instruments to look deeper and deeper inside matter. Like adventurers entering unknown territory, physicists forge ahead into ever smaller dimensions. What will be their next …

16 thoughts on “Everything Is Energy”

  1. what do you mean by pesonified? are you implinging a god as in a being is illogical or do you mean god as a person is illogical?

  2. what is this god?
    if you have an answer 2 this… then maybe your statement can be correct….

    if your god is personificated, you live an ilogical & un-harmonic life (like 99% of the globe)
    so what do you mean by god?

  3. Everything is energy, yes: atoms, quarks, photons, cerebral neurons, our brain itself? But what do we mean when we say ALL is ENERGY? What is ENERGY? What we ordinarily mean by energy is the capacity to move things. Yet if there are no ‘things’ to move, how can there be energy. What is the energy acting on? Come on, someone, lets start a debate.

  4. about nothing being solid? it’s true, if you compressed the entire universe it would be the size of a pea with infinite density…

  5. ………lol.will listen to the video several times more..and more,and more..but for now,after watching this video,I’m feelingnow happy that much energy keeps charging from my hands!

  6. All sentient being are illusory projections – Buddha
    Matter is void – buddha

    Let there be light – God.

  7. Thank you. Why is this information not available in the mainstream or only in a distorted way?
    Lots of love. Daniela

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