EVIL Luciferian Agenda – Part 12

Xendrius. Major kudos to Xendrius for his contributions. … Luciferian Luciferianism Lucifer Satanist Satanism Satan Devil 666 evil agenda conspiracy Illuminati light-bringer Freemasons 33rd degree Freemasonry Led Zeppelin backmasking Conspiritus Bohemian Grove human sacrifice all-seeing eye of providence Washington DC Monument Great Seal United States Novus Ordo Seclorum New World Order NWO Annuit Coeptis 1776 inverted pentagram Baphomet David Icke UFOs 2012 Lucent RFID microchip President …

15 thoughts on “EVIL Luciferian Agenda – Part 12”

  1. Start praying to the real God and strengthen your mind, body and spirit with chi-gung and internal kung-fu training to start with. In China many martial arts masters were called upon to battle demons because their energy, chi and minds were so strong and disciplined that only they had a chance against them.

  2. what was jerry lee lewis saying? i couldnt tell if someone was telling him to worship the devil to save his career, or that he was telling someone that the devil made him famous

  3. Tnx for this series.. Your movies make me back to my childhood christian religion.. Now i understand, and after i start go back to God i get alot of problem. Before when i young i say to satan let me have easy life and i will just dont care about JHWH, But know i understand my Fatal young mind . I need change alot,, tnx again

  4. that Area 51 caller that was frantic was fake. Look it up. He called back. The big deal was even tho it was a hoax, the line disconnected as if he were telling something true.

  5. Truth is stranger than fiction.The catholic church said do not let u’r kids watch Harry Potter because they know the secrets to the End of Days .Mythology wasnt a MYTH and they are on their way back to fool men for the END and come as Angels of light but are really LEGIONS of Demons

  6. So… I have another question, since fire would not work on these demons as stated in one of your earlier videos, would a M21 Sniper Rifle or a .44 magnum work? I dont want to be fighting with weapons that wont work…

  7. I wonder… why mutile the cattle of others? Just for evil fun? Come on! All these Iluminated people have enough money to buy Argentina!

    I think the Catte Mutilation is something worse… Perhaps some “devil on the run”… or some devil-animal breed trained for hunt. You just release the beast in the camp, it kills, and then you send the copters to take the evidences.

  8. Thank you. Great series! Our local radio station started a lot of really vile talk every AM. I stopped listening. Yet they are one of my buttons, for some songs they play. Recently, for a year or two, it seems like every time I push that one, it is Either Hell’s Bells or Highway to Hell!! Over and over; I see now it is not cause anyone likes it, but what they are! I think I will bless the buillding when I drive by now, watch it smoke. lol. l,p

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