EVIL Luciferian Agenda – Part 14

Xendrius. Major kudos to Xendrius for his contributions. … Luciferian Luciferianism Lucifer Satanist Satanism Satan Devil 666 evil agenda conspiracy Illuminati light-bringer Freemasons 33rd degree Freemasonry Led Zeppelin backmasking Conspiritus Bohemian Grove human sacrifice all-seeing eye of providence Washington DC Monument Great Seal United States Novus Ordo Seclorum New World Order NWO Annuit Coeptis 1776 inverted pentagram Baphomet David Icke UFOs 2012 Lucent RFID microchip President …

14 thoughts on “EVIL Luciferian Agenda – Part 14”

  1. The Caholic Church says dont let your kids watch Harry Potter ,If the parents read and studied Revelation no one would have to warn them ..The Caholic Church needs to educated the People and stop all that SINGING ! Teach even if it hurts !

  2. To those who don’t believe that this is possible, I have one thing to say “you underestimate the Power of the dark side…!!!!”

    Most people have NO idea of the power of the evil being that rules and controls this world, but he will be Fully revealed in the near future by men with power and abilities faar beyond anything ever seen in any movie or any TV show or ever demonstrated by any of God’s servants before.

  3. People think Obama is the world’s last hope? Oh bother. Only a fool would put there hope in earthling man….especially a puppet.

  4. What do people here think of Jay-Z the supposed Freemason. There is alot of Vids on youtube concerning this along with alot of symbolism in his records. He’s supposedly a 3rd degree Mason and a member of the Illuminati.

  5. gabe your driving me crazy please post the rest of this the world needs to see it!!!

  6. Report on Bilderbg today says they are worried they are destroying themselves also…good news 2 me! Good is Infinite, Evil is Finite. This is My Experience. The Universe is Infinite. Time also. God is Infinite, we are of God, we Are Infinite in our Good. Adios, Evil, We have awakened. Blessings,p

  7. Great, concise work, man. Thanks!
    One thing for the big picture is still missing for me. The role of the Jesuit order. Something about it is overlooked, I believe.

  8. Usually, the best lessons of life come with pain and sorrow. Because humans are… well… a bit stupid, I think.

  9. There are 2 sides to every story, remember Lucifer was the bearer of light, why would Lucifer have to bear light, unless the light was being hidden away from the people, ask yourself, why would god hide his creations in the dark. Don’t dabble in the occult because it might show you a truth you won’t be able to deal with and our civilization may not be able to handle. Why do they call us Sheeple? why was Jesus a Shepard among men? Why gather the people. What is really the RAPTURE? Find out…

  10. People can’t even find faith in themselves any more. haha They’ve just forgotten what it means to have a heart. What do we teach children? Don’t do anything to someone which you wouldn’t done to yourself…so why do adults not do this? Why is our society constructed to force you to do the exact opposite in some circumstances. Usury is a sin. Even someone non-religious can observe what it’s done to our people.
    Love, cloth, feed and educate each other.

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