EVIL Luciferian Agenda – Part 2

Xendrius. Major kudos to Xendrius for his contributions. … Luciferian Luciferianism Lucifer Satanist Satanism Satan Devil 666 evil agenda conspiracy Illuminati light-bringer Freemasons 33rd degree Freemasonry Led Zeppelin backmasking Conspiritus Bohemian Grove human sacrifice all-seeing eye of providence Washington DC Monument Great Seal United States Novus Ordo Seclorum New World Order NWO Annuit Coeptis 1776 inverted pentagram Baphomet David Icke UFOs 2012 Lucent RFID microchip President …

22 thoughts on “EVIL Luciferian Agenda – Part 2”

  1. “No one really knows yet.”

    Yeah, actually we do know.

    “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark IN their right hand, or IN their foreheads”
    -Revelation 13:16

    The mark is placed IN the flesh. Go watch Aaron Russo’s “Freedom to Fascism.” The New World Order elites are planning on instituting a global cashless society constituting biometrics, namely subcutaneous microchips implanted IN the flesh. Quit trying to deceive people into believing otherwise.

  2. So how did you get here on planet earth brother?

    You didn’t even buy a ticket, choose your earth suit, or put yourself on the ride.


  3. if u turn the 1 dollar bill sideways youll see the nights templar cross also behind each 1 in the corner freaky stuff

  4. you all laugh the NWO is comin you think those coffins are for everyone but you lmfao ill laugh when you go to the fema camps

  5. I ASSURE you, they ARE Satanists, no they may not be satanists, like the little goths that run around, or people who want to have orgies, they are real Satanists. You do not have to be a christian to believe in God or Satan.

  6. Is that Kennedy at 9:10?? Maybe he was killed because he threatened to expose them?? As for the Antichrist on man fits that profile in my opinion Barack Hussein Obama.

  7. Rev 13:17 Says: “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”

    It is some sort of monetary system and there are three ways it is implement. The name of the beast, the number of the name, or the name itself. Could be a chip, a card or even a number like a social security number or even a thumb print associated with a registered number or all of the above. No one really knows yet.

  8. That view of Bush 3.20 looks so much like Prince Charles… its spooky!

  9. The Anti-Christ, is anyone who is directly in opposition to Christ.

    The Anti-Christ has always been here, and will always be here.

  10. You guys are nuts Lucifer reigns supreme have you seen the world we are going through revelations right now -eternal war,famine ,disease debautchery.I just read today that all mystic expierience and feelings of supernatural entities spirits UFOs whatever is caused by our Human temporal lobe in the brain.

  11. They don’t even believe in any God. In fact, they’re not satanist or masons. They’re antichristians, just like communists. They just want a growing nation with lower-class people working for them. Idiotic christians have mixed this with some bible ***** and got some cult of somesort… Whatever.

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