EVIL Luciferian Agenda – Part 3

Xendrius. Major kudos to Xendrius for his contributions. … Luciferian Luciferianism Lucifer Satanist Satanism Satan Devil 666 evil agenda conspiracy Illuminati light-bringer Freemasons 33rd degree Freemasonry Led Zeppelin backmasking Conspiritus Bohemian Grove human sacrifice all-seeing eye of providence Washington DC Monument Great Seal United States Novus Ordo Seclorum New World Order NWO Annuit Coeptis 1776 inverted pentagram Baphomet David Icke UFOs 2012 Lucent RFID microchip President …

5 thoughts on “EVIL Luciferian Agenda – Part 3”

  1. okay thats your opinion now try finding out the real facts just because you ” think so” doesn’t make it true

  2. I Agree With You 0871368021 I Hate Christanity And These Bull ***** Lies They Spreed About My Religion. ***** Them

  3. i hear what your getting at, i also question the hand sign, i do see it as both a satanic symbol and a common gesture. but the bushes doing it, i would say has more to do with University of Texas and its mascot being a Longhorn, and that hand gesture is the officiall hand gesture of UT. Now it would be something if prior to the University and its creation, if it was known by the higher ups that this gesture would be used in such a way…. but all in all, its all related. left washes the right.

  4. ffs, people. That is used by Satanists, but it’s more popularly used to say “ROCK ON, ********” instead of “AVE SATANAS, ********” Bush, palin, mccain and cheney did it so they would be more popular with the younger generation, Obama did it because it’s actually natarul for him. And with Michelle’s, for God’s sake, it was a casual hand gesture, i’m sure she was waving her hand around.

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