EXPOSED: CNN Producer Jimmy Carr Calling Trump Voters “Stupid As Sh*T”

EXPOSED: CNN Producer Jimmy Carr Calling Trump Voters “Stupid As Sh*T”

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas promised multiple videos exposing CNN’s anti-Trump bias this week, and he’s delivered.

Not only have O’Keefe’s videos revealed that CNN secretly thinks the Trump-Russia collusion story is fake news, now CNN producer Jimmy Carr was caught openly mocking Americans who voted for Trump, and disparaging the president and one of his top aides.

Here’s a sampling of what the producer said:

“On the inside, we all recognize he is a clown that he is hilariously unqualified for this. He’s really bad at this and that he does not have America’s best interests. We recognize he’s just fucking crazy.”
CNN is digging its own grave.

This new revelation shows the absolute contempt CNN has for the average American. In the networks’s eyes, if you didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton, you’re a monster unfit for polite society.

Now the networks seems focused on bringing Trump down. As patriotic Americans, we can’t let them!