EXPOSED! NEW WORLD ORDER Disinformation Agents

revolution against us”? Think about it! What happens to someone when they try to expose the Truth? WAKE UP What is the common denominator with all these guys that are still out there? Please comment,good or bad. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Dont feel bad,I fell for it too. … new world order Disinformation Agents EXPOSED for all the sheep to follow alex jones david icke michael tsarion jordan maxwell alan watt ect zeitgeist listen of Bill Coopers broadcasts and you will understand truth 911 inside …

5 thoughts on “EXPOSED! NEW WORLD ORDER Disinformation Agents”

  1. When it comes to Alex Jones I suggest you go back to sleep or there is another way… you have to be a CSI Investigator K? Sherlock Homes homes k esey? Seriously if you cant SEE the guy is a phony then send me some money so I can send it to the Earth Defense Federation to protect you from the New World Order. Auuhg I dont know man. People OPEN YOUR EYES. Your not gonna find Truth watching a video.Stay off you tube for a day and READ..sorry man what els can I tell you.

  2. Alex & david infiltrators? could be, who knows FOR SURE. i keep an open mind but in my OPINION i’d have to say no. if they killed alex or david it would make there message even more powerful thats why they are not dead. “make them martyr’d. Thats why i don’t think william cooper was a kook since they killed him. I don’t think alex sold out he’s been on the case since waco.I am very suspicious of mark dice and glenn beck though, suddenly he does a FEMA camp expose´ and is down with the movement?

  3. not all words and images are truth even if they are told by someone who is seeking the truth, a truth is only a truth if it is backed up by many more truths. not sure if alex or david are on the other side but would need more evidence before i beleived it, still its always food for thought….

  4. Where’s the evidence for all of this? Where exactly is the information YOU are giving which is undisputed.
    All I see here is arbitrary nonsense.

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