from the programing.Take the other red pill and take a step back,LOOK at the BIG picture. As it has been for thousands of years we Truthers are being guided once again. Research the claims in this video. … jordan maxwell michael tsarion micheal new world order Disinformation Agents EXPOSED for all the sheep to follow alex jones david icke alan watt ect zeitgeist listen of Bill Coopers broadcasts and you will understand truth 911 inside job obama osama binladin aladin disney lala land deceptive …

2 thoughts on “EXPOSED! NWO TRAP”

  1. whatshendrix
    Straiten out man! Do the ******* research!…What you sit around watching vids to find the Truth. READ..INVESTIGATE..FOLLOW THE LEADS…CONNECTIONS..obviously there is NO hard evidence that Jesus really existed…only what is written about him but get a grip man..common. You gotta do your homework like everybody els. Hows about this for a clue..for you,music man.SABBATH BLOODY SABBATH.

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