Interesting discussion of how certain scriptures in the Holy Bible can be clearly interpreted as spaceships and aliens. There are interesting similarities between the descriptions of UFOs in the Bible and descriptions of UFO sightings today. To give you an example, the author talks about Genesis 6 wherein it is described “… those were the days when the sons of the Elohim took the daughters of men as wives, and had children by them.” The Bible calls those divine beings Nephilim (the children of the Elohim and daughters of men). The actual translation means “those who have come down from heaven to earth.” I would suggest you read Exodus 10: 16-21, (God descended upon Mt Sinai in fire, the mountain quaked, the truppet grew louder) 2 Kings verse 1 : “The Lord was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven” 2 Kings 2:11. These are just a taster of what is in tis book. Rev J Carter puts the above examples across far better than anyone else in this field.