FEC Records Suggest Hillary Campaign Illegally Laundered Over $80 Million Dollars

FEC Records Suggest Hillary Campaign Illegally Laundered Over $80 Million Dollars

Source: https://goo.gl/HaQnMA
While the media obsesses over dumb anti-Trump stories like the Stormy Daniels stupidity, a real scandal of Hillary’s 2016 campaign is coming to light. There are lots of rules about campaign contributions, and it looks like the Hillary campaign and the DNC used an illegal loophole to their advantage.

The Federalist reports:

Bombshell: FEC Records Indicate Hillary Campaign Illegally Laundered $84 Million

The press continues to feed the dying Russia collusion conspiracy theory, spending Friday’s news cycle regurgitating Democrat talking points from the just-filed Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act lawsuit against the Trump campaign, WikiLeaks, and Russia.
Yet the mainstream media took no notice of last week’s federal court filing that exposes an $84 million money-laundering conspiracy the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign executed during the 2016 presidential election in violation of federal campaign-finance law.

That lawsuit, filed last week in a DC district court, summarizes the DNC-Clinton conspiracy and provides detailed evidence from Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings confirming the complaint’s allegations that Democrats undertook an extensive scheme to violate federal campaign limits.

Dan Backer, a campaign-finance lawyer and attorney-of-record in the lawsuit, explained the underlying law in an article for Investor’s Business Daily: Under federal law, “an individual donor can contribute $2,700 to any candidate, $10,000 to any state party committee, and (during the 2016 cycle) $33,400 to a national party’s main account…

There was “extensive evidence in the Democrats’ own FEC reports, when coupled with their own public statements that demonstrated massive straw man contributions papered through the state parties, to the DNC, and then directly to Clinton’s campaign—in clear violation of federal campaign-finance law.”

This is huge, and no matter how hard the media tries, they won’t be able to ignore this story.