Feminists Attack Ben Shapiro Over Story About His Daughter, He Schools Them With The Facts
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On Mother’s Day, conservative writer Ben Shapiro shared a heart-warming story involving his 4-year-old daughter. Naturally, the feminist harpies on Twitter tried to tear him apart. It didn’t take long before they were eating their words.
In this day and age, young, inspiring conservative leaders are lighting up the Internet. From Milo Yiannopoulos to Candace Owens, these thought leaders are using social media to expand their considerable influence. That includes Ben Shapiro, editor of Daily Wire and syndicated radio host.
Like many other influential conservatives, Shapiro uses social networking sites like Twitter to share his views. The left cannot stand that there are so many smart, entertaining, and likable conservatives gaining popularity online. It’s why they work so hard to censor and bully them. Despite their best efforts, leaders like Shapiro continue to gain steam.
This Mother’s Day weekend, Shapiro took the opportunity to share a story about his 4-year-old girl. Most people who read it found it heart-warming and appropriate, given the day. Not liberals.
Ben Shapiro shared an adorable story about his 4-year-old daughter on Mother’s Day, but since this is Twitter, it was immediately met with scorn and ridicule from the blue-check mob. [Source: Twitchy]
How could anyone find that story offensive? Considering this was on Mother’s Day, it was a pitch-perfect story to share. His sweet, young daughter wants to grow up to become a loving, nurturing mother. Most likely, this is in thanks to her mother, who has shown her nothing but love and attention.
In any other era, this story would have been met with appreciation by virtually everyone in society. But these days, we have a group of nasty, clucking chickens who detest anything resembling traditional gender roles for women. They were oh so quick to attack Shapiro over this innocent tweet.
Really? He was asking his daughter a simple question. The fact that you frame it as a “problem,” Liz, is troubling.
Teaching children to hate those that are different than you! Way to progress, liberals.
I can’t tell you how many liberals project their own childhood onto others. Could her entire adult career as a leftist be just a way of getting back at her daddy? I can’t say for sure, but yes.
Yes, because spending time with your daughter and listening to her makes for bad parenting. Apparently “your friend Helen” puts Ben above all those absentee dads who don’t even pay attention to their children.
Even more shocking, the liberals over at Dictionary.com abused their Twitter account to bash the conservative.
I know one website I will no longer be visiting.
It’s so amazing to see how little it takes to get these feminists screeching. Shapiro simply shared a touching story about his daughter. It was Mother’s Day, dummies. It’s time to appreciate everything (good) mothers do for their children. Shapiro’s story was about celebrating the impact his wife has had on their daughter. Duh! I can’t believe I have to explain that.
Not willing to give these harpies the last word, Ben took them to school.
And to really put the nail in the coffin, he shares this little inconvenient fact.
It’s amazing how quick these feminists attacked Ben. Apparently, they knew nothing about him, his family, or even the occupation of his wife. All they knew was that a conservative man mentioned something about traditional gender roles. And they pounced, without even knowing the facts. Knowing his wife is a doctor puts the story in even more perspective. She’s both a mom and a doctor. But what inspires the little girl more? Her Ph.D. or the fact that she takes care of her as a mom? The answer is obvious.
It’s this inconvenient fact that liberals don’t want to acknowledge. We all know women can pursue whatever career they wish. But the best thing they (or men) will ever do is raise a family. Ask any mother or father what they care about more: their careers or children? Only a monster will say their careers.
If a child sees that and responds accordingly, it only means she has a great mother to look up to. It’s sad that the left can’t see that.