Feminists Hold Music Festival But Forget 1 Important Detail… And Muslims Will Love It

Feminists Hold Music Festival But Forget 1 Important Detail… And Muslims Will Love It

While feminists march around in their pink pussy hats, a Swedish comedian has taken a huge step back for gender equality. She and her feminist friends are in the beginning stages of planning a music festival, but they have forgotten one very important detail. However, Muslims will love it, but not for the reasons one would think.

Emma Knyckare is a Swedish feminist who believes she has the answer to the rising number of sexual assaults at music festivals in her home country. So, she plans on organizing an event where men are not allowed to attend. “This new festival will be for women, planned by women, in which men will not be allowed to participate,” she said. Yes, someone who prides themselves on gender equality wants to exclude one of the two genders.
Feminists Hold Music Festival But Forget 1 Important Detail… And Muslims Will Love It
July 5, 2017 Emily Ann Politics, World News

Emma Knyckare (left), Stock image to represent a music festival (right)
While feminists march around in their pink pussy hats, a Swedish comedian has taken a huge step back for gender equality. She and her feminist friends are in the beginning stages of planning a music festival, but they have forgotten one very important detail. However, Muslims will love it, but not for the reasons one would think.

Emma Knyckare is a Swedish feminist who believes she has the answer to the rising number of sexual assaults at music festivals in her home country. So, she plans on organizing an event where men are not allowed to attend. “This new festival will be for women, planned by women, in which men will not be allowed to participate,” she said. Yes, someone who prides themselves on gender equality wants to exclude one of the two genders.

Emma Knyckare, Swedish comedian and radio personality, acting as DJ and setting up a track in the Musikhjälpen glass box studio.
The intention behind Emma’s female-only festival is to create an environment where women will feel safe. However, someone might want to break the news to her that she will need male security to protect against all the violence that happens at festivals.

“It was an idea I had for all those men who rape at festivals… this was a solution,” she said. The solution to Sweden’s music festival sex assault problem, according to Knyckare is to simply ban men from attending the event. She also said men would be banned from performing at the festival as well. [Source: Breitbart]
Last year, Swedish music festivals were plagued by underage molestation, which lead to many of them being shut down. However, what Knyckare is forgetting to mention is the sex attacks were overwhelmingly perpetrated by those with “foreign origins.”

This is no surprise since Europe has been taken over by female-degrading Muslims. In fact, Sweden alone has taken in more so-called “refugees” than any other European country. Now, the feminists are confused because they don’t want to downplay the threat of sexual violence, but they also don’t want that to offend the politically-correct police by calling out the Muslim refugees responsible for so many rapes.

“We should object and protest, but we should not make the distinction about people from another ethnic background that they are more violent than we are,” said Emma, “because otherwise we find ourselves in a place of saying: ‘I’m not a racist, but…”‘ [Source: Time]
So, we can’t blame an ideology that not only condones but encourages such behavior against women, especially non-believers, but we can condemn an entire sex for the actions of a few. One is a choice, one is not. Muslims decide to follow the barbaric and archaic religion of Islam, acting out the violent commands as modeled by their pedophilic prophet, but males don’t choose their sex, contrary to what the left would have us believe. But, that’s liberal logic for you.

According to Emma, the feminist festival is in the beginning stages of planning, and she hopes to have it up and running by 2018. Her dream scenario is for the event to become an annual occasion that will last for many years and become a classic place that woman can come and feel safe.

As the feminists are threading the needle between sexual assault and gender equality while trying to establish a man-free festival, they might want to stop pretending they are for equality if they’re excluding people. Let’s solve the problem by going back to sexual segregation — which ironically is also encouraged by Islam’s Sharia law —that seems like a good idea, Emma. Unfortunately, leftists like her don’t even realize they are playing right into the Islamization of their own countries, where eventually there won’t be any gender equality at all. Don’t believe me? Just look to the many nations that were once Christian and are now Muslim-majority countries.