Friday June 30, 2017
Tonight on The Hagman Report…
7:00pm EDT Welcome return guest, FOX Radio host of The Kate Dalley Show, Kate Dalley.
Kate Dalley is a nationally recognized radio host! She is currently on Fox News Affiliate KZNU and listeners from around the globe listen and stream her daily 3-hour political talk show!
She has interviewed Dr. Ben Carson, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Mike Lee, Mark Steyn (popular fill in host for Rush Limbaugh) Sibel Edmonds, G. Edward Griffin, Syrian Girl, Fox Legal Consultant Victoria Toensing, Fox & Friends Brian Kilmeade, Lew Rockwell, JASON Scientist Freeman Dyson, New York Times Best Selling Authors, Actors, MIT Scientists, World Re-noun Physicians- you name it- over 400 guests last year alone. The topics are diverse and Kate seeks to expose what the government is up to in her no-holds-barred approach to honesty in media. No political correctness here! Kate has been on the air for the last 5 years bringing national and global guests to the airwaves, for in-depth interviews and thought-provoking discussion. Kate loves history and delves into stories with a journalistic approach to uncover the truth. She calls this “going down the rabbit hole”.
Kate is from Mission Viejo, California and moved to Southern Utah 20 years ago to raise her family with her husband Clint. She was an entrepreneur, even appearing on The Oprah Show with a product line that she invented. She is a speaker, a writer, a mother, a wife and an opinionated woman who loves God and is not afraid to talk about it. Kate is LDS and is a registered Republican, although quick to point out both sides of the isle and expose politicians who seek to support lobbyists and the establishment, instead of their constituency. She has a love for common sense.
8:00pm EDT Join us tonight at precisely and you do not want to be late when we throw open the cameras and the mics go hot to welcome longtime friend of the Hagmnann and Hagmann Report, Paul McGuire.
Father/son investigative tag team, Douglas J Hagmannand Joe Hagmann have no shortage of issues to cover with Paul.
Show Website:
Doug’s Facebook: