This is for all the people on the Internet hating on our new President Barack H. Obama. … President Barack Obama White House Presidential Election America To All The Haters This Is For You Jeffersons Theme Song Proud African American People Happy Smile Eracism Colin Powell Martin Luther King Fredrick Douglas Doctor Daniel Hale Williams Benjamin Banneker Harriet Tubman Mary Mcloud Bethune George Washington Carver David Duke Banner Tupac Shakur Diddy Blog Airfro Braids Chicken Basketball BBQ …
13 thoughts on “For The Haters”
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I love it!! Kill that *****!
Just another animal in office.
Good comeback to xcom747. All he ever talks about is molesting children.
I don’t hate niggers. I don’t hate a creature for something it can’t help. It’s kind of like kicking a dog who can’t be trained…there is no point. Niggers can’t help being born a nigger. They cant help their violent tendencies…it’s in their nature.
They also can’t help the fact that the average negro has an I.Q between 70-85, that’s a fact.
It is also not just Whites who despise niggers. All races do, especially Hispanic. Why do all races look this way at niggers???????????????????????????
Whether you voted for Barack Obama or not, you simply have to admit that this video is ******** hilarious.
Violent tendencies are in our nature. Wouldn’t that make ALL of us violent? Idiot, I know blacks who wouldn’t harm a fly. So don’t come on youtube fabricating your own facts.
Is hispanics despise blacks so much, why do most of them dress, talk, and act like us. You have it wrong, every race despises whites.
hell ******** yeah..he smacked the white off that cracka…i did that in elementary school LMAO…its funny cause i enjoyed every second of it.
You get dumber by the second. When you go to hell I hope Satan phucks you in the **** with a pitchfork.
OBAMA ******!!!
That white boy probably got a cheek full o’ chicken grease and Gheri Curl. It looks staged, but if not I hope he hit that braided chimp in the head with a bat.
Keep talking about whatever it is you are talking about. It doesn’t matter. Americans of African Descent are moving forward, educating ourselves and making a change in our communities and our country. Backwards thinking hate mongers like yourself will soon be obsolete and only referenced to in bedtime stories.
Got anything for all you pukes that spent the last 8 years hating Bush? NO? I do…
Good god. Why are there so many racist comments on here. There are negative comments about blacks and whites on here. You YTers make me sick.