Forbidden History of the Serpent Worshipping Cults DOCUMENTARY

This documentary shows substantial proof for the existence of a cult-like worship of the serpent across the ancient world. Most ancient nations admitted the serpent into their religion either as a symbol of divinity, charm, oracle, or as a god. The prototype of this idolatry certainly goes back to the serpent in the Garden of Eden. But it may go back even further to the time of the Anunnaki, in which the fallen god Enki genetically modified his Primitive Worker earth creature. “To earth from heaven they came” was the Anunnaki, and they were the fallen ones and originators of the Serpent Tribe ideology and religion we find throughout history and throughout most cultures.

The snake has been variously adored as a regenerative power, as a god of evil, as a god of good, as Christ (by the Gnostics and other religious sects), as a phallic deity, as a solar deity, and as a god of death. It has also served as the symbol of Satan and many deities, including Apollo and the Egyptian god Ra. Snake worship found expression in both the Toltec and Aztec periods of prehistoric Mexican civilization.