Journeys across the world to uncover the ancient secrets of the world’s most powerful men and brings us the secrets of the Order held sacred for so long. This documentary delves into a world that is often hidden from our eyes and finds himself in situations that seem to mirror the fictional world of the Da Vinci Code.
Gets to the core of the secret societies’ belief systems. -Explores the secret origins of Freemasonry and the links to secret Serpent Cults. Examines the claimants to the name of Illuminati, and analyzes the history of the group in Europe and America. Looks in-depth at the white-powdered gold theory supposedly kept secret by orders throughout time and radically re-appraises it. -Shows the link between the so-called enlightenment experience and the control of our minds. Nobody in the genre involves themselves in the tale in the same way that this documentary does, and shows the search for ultimate truth.